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16 Final term assignment (Modified in Nov. 22th) Yun-su Kim 179 2021-11-18 파일명 : 13_Final term.pdf
15 12_Reliability Yun-su Kim 27 2021-11-18 파일명 : 12_Reliability.pdf
14 11_Lightning protection Yun-su Kim 15 2021-11-11 파일명 : 11_Lightning protection.pdf
13 10_Capacitor application Yun-su Kim 12 2021-11-11 파일명 : 10_Capacitor application.pdf
12 09_Voltage regulation Yun-su Kim 17 2021-11-11 파일명 : 09_Voltage regulation.pdf
11 08_Voltage drop and power loss calculation Yun-su Kim 14 2021-11-11 파일명 : 08_Turan_Voltage drop and power loss calculations.pdf
10 07_Design of Secondary Yun-su Kim 40 2021-10-12 파일명 : 06_Turan_Design of secondary systems.pdf
9 06_Design of Primary (modified in Nov. 11) Yun-su Kim 69 2021-10-12 파일명 : 06_Turan_Design of primary systems.pdf
8 05_Design of Substation (modified in Oct. 20th) Yun-su Kim 67 2021-10-12 파일명 : 04_Turan_Design of distribution substations.pdf
7 Midterm assignment Yun-su Kim 107 2021-09-23  
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